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Friday 14 March 2014

Interesting children's books from Francis Lincoln & QED Publishing

I have two book lovers and one who finds all this reading lark just too difficult for words. I am therefore determined that I'll find some books to help my little Miss E to love books as much as her siblings and I do.

Miss E is an amazing artist and has really great skills for a 6 year old and this is where she chooses to focus her attention, so with that in mind I ordered her a book from QED publishing called 'Drawing and Sketching', it is aimed at 7 - 11 year olds but was fine for her and she is 6.  The retail price is £5.99 and for this you get 32 pages of tips and techniques to help you draw better. We found it a great starter to get your child interested in learning about building pictures up but Miss E was desperate for even more than this book gave her.

Here are a couple of samples pages from the book -

This is the squirrel that Miss E drew herself in about 10 minutes and since then she has drawn me loads of other creatures too, not bad for a  year old!

At school right now the girls are learning about pirates on their learning journey, so when I saw the hard backed 'Buccaneering Book of Pirates' I knew it would be a big hit. This book retails for £12.99 and has some fabulous stories in it to enchant your children, it is great to read to younger children or older ones can read it themselves. Our book headed into school and the whole class have been enjoying the stories.  In the front pocket is also a massive poster of a pirate with lots of little fun part to move, take out and educate. There are good sturdy metal holes in the top of hang it by, you can see just how big it is in the picture against Miss E!

The last book I choose I ordered with Miss M in mind. She is a confident reader and gets bored really quickly so I knew that some silly word poems would be right up her street. As well as reading them to herself and her twin sister she has been regaling anyone that has visited our house in the last week with a live rendition.

I am a poetato has 80 pages and is hardbacked, it is chocca full of really fun poems and they come in all forms, so it is fabulously educational for helping Miss M understand how to create poems and prose in new forms. The retail price is £12.99.

I'd happily recommend each of these books but my personal favourite has to be I am a Poetato as it combines fun and learning together in such a great way.

Disclosure: we received these books free of charge for the purposes of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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